Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Prompt 26

1. Ideas sometimes grow out of irritation. What is a negative thought you are having about your project? What is the opposite of this negative thought? How could you implement a change in your project so that this negative thought will subside?

There is a negative thing here. I like art that shows transgression, that goes beyond and questions, which is why there is "irritation" to my project. I am angry with the current social situation of my country and this is why I am taking this project as a transgressive way to say "STOP!"

3. What is a consistent theme/visual element in your project? What would be the opposite of this? How can you implement that into your project?

The consistency would be the usage of paper props. In the past I've used paper props to create laughter, now I want to use them to create a serious dramatic issue. I've done the opposite in the past by exaggerating the props, causing ridicule, now perhaps the best way to approach this issue would be to use the props in a natural way.

4. Type twenty words or phrases that relate to your project.

Blood. Politics. Gross. Disgusting. Hunger. Gluttony. Needs. Social Class. Power. Dramatic. Struggles. Challenges. Media. Newspaper. Red. Death. Reality. Selfishness. Desire.

Contract your project. What would it boil down to if squeezed and contracted to its simplest form?

I am not exactly sure how it would look squeezed. I guess It'll be everything done with cutouts and in-camera collages or stock photos by other photographers compiled and constructed on photoshop. It's not that I don't like these ideas, as they present the main action (constructing a reality) but they lack the spirit (the emotion and the personal attachment) that I seek for.

5. At the deepest core, describe why you like this project. Dig deep!

I cannot address how important is my country to me. I got here thanks to a scholarship and it was not because of my amazing grades (which helped a lot) or my experience (after all, it's only been a couple of years since I graduated from college). It was because I care for others and it's all about how I can improve what is already there. They trusted me with this and I think that the deepest issue I have to deal with is exactly that, "How can I improve my country through art?"

6. Expand your project. If time, money, materials, etc would not affect you, how would you expand your project?

I'd hire a couturier or a fashion designer to make the clothing and props out of paper. Or maybe, out of fabric with paper pasted over it. I'd get some studio lightining and possibly, a studio to work on the picture. If possible, I'd take some acting classes and I'd hire a make up consultant to make me look good. :)

11. What would your project look like 100 years ago? What would your project look like 100 years in the future?

I am thinking on doing "moving photographs", a field of photography that is still not entirely mainstream or used, but I guess that in a couple of year we will see it. However, at the end of the day I am not exactly sure how this will look in 100 years with technology ever evolving.

12. Remove something from your project. How does it change?

If I were to remove myself from the equation I think it'll change a lot. This is a personal project, speaking about a personal thing that is happening in the country of origin. Sure, a better model would make the photos look better, but that layer of emotional attachment would be lost. At the end of the day, I believe that this layer is what is the most important thing on the project.

16. How would you convert your project into a narrative? How would you remove any narrative from your project?

Presenting it as a motion video instead of moving images. I think that would be better suited and If I have time, I might as well try it out.

19. Name an artist/photographer/designer/videographer who would love your project. Why?

Frida Kahlo would love it. it has all of the elements she is famous for: a personal idea evolved from emotional attachment, a surrealist set and the authenticity of our country. I would like to show it to Cindy Sherman who I admire and consider myself a fan from hers. I think also Yasumasa Morimura would find it interesting, because I am taking a step forward from them: I am doing a constructed identity and self portraits BUT I am doing the props and the world I am interacting with.

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