Monday, April 25, 2011

He Said, She said - 2011

He said, She said - 2011

Part 1:

Composition: On camera collage of two magazines ads, one of them showing a guy in fashion clothing and the other being a girl in a car for a language advertisement, with lighting coming from the back.

Concept: Constructed reality and imagination

Method: I cut both of the advertisement to fit together and then they were placed one over the other. The idea was to be fun and it has no concept and thought behind other than just being two images and I am expecting people to come with their own interpretations, that's why text was removed and his mouth was placed.

Motivations: Fun and Experimentation.

Context: Constructed reality.

Part 2

Interpretation: People thought it was funny and they thought the idea was creative and original, however, there was not much to say about it. The photo probably wasn't as impacting as nobody really was looking for a story here.

Evaluation: I think I can do it more impacting and interesting.

Extension: I like the idea of playing with paper and constructed realities.

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