Monday, April 25, 2011

Nope - 2011

NOPE - 2011

Part 1:

Composition: An image of a hand showing a piece of paper in front of a building and the piece of paper contains a funny drawing based on the lines of the building behind it.

Concept: Constructed reality and imagination

Method: I took three pictures. The first one was focused on the building and had a small aperture. The second one was focused on the hand and had a large aperture. The third one was the drawing made entirely digital and all of them were composed on photoshop using masks and layers.

Motivations: Fun and Experimentation.

Context: Constructed reality.

Part 2

Interpretation: People thought it was funny and they thought the idea was creative and original.

Evaluation: I had some problems with the pictures because of the focus and the blur it gives, however, after a little bit of planning I decided to switch from the drawing to be made traditionally to be completely digitally.

Extension: I like the idea of playing with paper and constructed realities.

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